Option Explicit Sub Kalender() Dim jahr As Integer Dim monat As Integer Dim tag As Integer Dim x As Integer jahr = InputBox("Welches Jahr?") Range("A1:BI33").ClearContents Range("A1:BI33").Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone 'Range("A2:BI33").Interior.ColorIndex = 5 Range("A1:BI33").Font.Size = 6 Range("A1:BI33").Font.Name = "Arial" 'Range("A1:BI33").Font.ColorIndex = 3 Range("A1:BI33").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Range("A1:BI33").VerticalAlignment = xlCenter Range("A1:BI1").RowHeight = 9 Range("A2:BI33").RowHeight = 12 Range("A1:A33").ColumnWidth = 1 Range("B1:BI33").ColumnWidth = 2.2 Range("B2:BI33").BorderAround LineStyle:=xlContinuous, Weight:=xlThick Range("B2:BI2").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous Range("G31:K31").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous Range("Q32:U32").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous Range("AA32:AE32").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous Range("AP32:AT32").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous Range("AZ32:BD32").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous Range("A2:BI2").NumberFormat = "@" Range("A2:BI2").Font.Size = 8 Range("A2:BI2").Font.Bold = True Cells(2, 4) = "1 Januar" Cells(2, 9) = "2 Februar" Cells(2, 14) = "3 März" Cells(2, 19) = "4 April" Cells(2, 24) = "5 Mai" Cells(2, 29) = "6 Juni" Cells(2, 34) = "7 Juli" Cells(2, 39) = "8 August" Cells(2, 44) = "9 September" Cells(2, 49) = "10 Oktober" Cells(2, 54) = "12 November" Cells(2, 59) = "12 Dezember" Range("G32:K33").MergeCells = True Range("G32:K33").Font.Size = 20 Range("G32:K33").Font.Bold = True Cells(32, 7) = jahr ' Farbe hellgrau = 15 ' Farbe dunkelgrau = 48 For monat = 1 To 12 Step 1 For tag = 1 To Day(DateSerial(jahr, monat + 1, 0)) x = (monat - 1) * 5 Range(Cells(2, x + 6), Cells(33, x + 6)).Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlContinuous Cells(tag + 2, x + 2) = Format(DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag), "DD") Cells(tag + 2, x + 3) = Format(DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag), "DDD") If Cells(tag + 2, x + 3) = "Sa" Then Range(Cells(tag + 2, x + 2), Cells(tag + 2, x + 6)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 If Cells(tag + 2, x + 3) = "So" Then Range(Cells(tag + 2, x + 2), Cells(tag + 2, x + 6)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 If Cells(tag + 2, x + 3) = "Mo" Then Cells(tag + 2, x + 4) = kalwo(DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag)) If DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag) = Ostern(jahr) - 47 Then Cells(tag + 2, x + 5) = "Fasching" If DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag) = Ostern(jahr) - 2 Then Cells(tag + 2, x + 5) = "Karfreitag" Range(Cells(tag + 2, x + 2), Cells(tag + 2, x + 6)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 End If If DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag) = Ostern(jahr) Then Cells(tag + 2, x + 5) = "Ostern" If DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag) = Ostern(jahr) + 1 Then Range(Cells(tag + 2, x + 2), Cells(tag + 2, x + 6)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 If DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag) = Ostern(jahr) + 39 Then Cells(tag + 2, x + 5) = "Chr.Himmelf." Range(Cells(tag + 2, x + 2), Cells(tag + 2, x + 6)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 End If If DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag) = Ostern(jahr) + 49 Then Cells(tag + 2, x + 5) = "Pfingsten" Range(Cells(tag + 2, x + 2), Cells(tag + 2, x + 6)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 End If If DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag) = Ostern(jahr) + 50 Then Range(Cells(tag + 2, x + 2), Cells(tag + 2, x + 6)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 If DateSerial(jahr, monat, tag) = Ostern(jahr) + 60 Then Cells(tag + 2, x + 5) = "Fronleich." Range(Cells(tag + 2, x + 2), Cells(tag + 2, x + 6)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 End If Next tag Next monat Range("B3:F3").Interior.ColorIndex = 48 Cells(3, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft Cells(3, 5) = "Neujahr" Range("B8:F8").Interior.ColorIndex = 48 Cells(8, 5).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft Cells(8, 5) = "3 Könige" Range("V3:Z3").Interior.ColorIndex = 48 Cells(3, 25).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft Cells(3, 25) = "Maifeiertag" Range("AU5:AY5").Interior.ColorIndex = 48 Cells(5, 50).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft Cells(5, 50) = "Dt.Einheit" Range("AZ3:BD3").Interior.ColorIndex = 48 Cells(3, 55).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft Cells(3, 55) = "Allerhl." Range("BE26:BI28").Interior.ColorIndex = 48 Range("BH26:BH28").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft Cells(26, 60) = "Hl.Abend" Cells(27, 60) = "Weihnacht" Cells(28, 60) = "Weihnacht" Range("BE33:BI33").Interior.ColorIndex = 48 Cells(33, 60).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft Cells(33, 60) = "Silvester" End Sub Function kalwo(Datum As Date) As Integer Dim t As Date t = DateSerial(Year(Datum + (8 - Weekday(Datum)) Mod 7 - 3), 1, 1) kalwo = (Datum - t - 3 + (Weekday(t) + 1) Mod 7) \ 7 + 1 End Function Function Ostern(Yr As Integer) As Date Dim D As Integer D = (((255 - 11 * (Yr Mod 19)) - 21) Mod 30) + 21 Ostern = DateSerial(Yr, 3, 1) + D + (D > 48) + 6 - _ ((Yr + Yr \ 4 + D + (D > 48) + 1) Mod 7) End Function
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